Personal Energetic Trainer (PET)
Personal Energetic Trainer (PET)
Click Here for PET Info Flyer
Personal Energetic Trainer (PET) Unit with multiple options for Performance, Focus, Recover, and Stress. One year manufacturer warranty standard.
The Recovery PET was designed to help our energetic body forget what injury or ailments that the cell memory may retain after the event. This negative memory can limit our recovery time, if not halt it all together. Helps to ease the stress and overcome the mental blocks or limitations associated to the mental injury or physical ailments. Helps to allow the energetic body to free up some of the trapped energy and increase the cellular recovery state your body naturally has. Sends energetic patterns to the user’s system to reset the imbalances received by the damaged area.
The Focus PET helps to increase mental focus, clarity, and memory recall ability. Gives the user an additional sense of positive confidence and image that they may not normally have. Helps to quite the mind. Works on keeping the mind and thoughts from being splintered and going in many different directions at the same time. Over time, the Focus PET helps to stabilize the active high speed thought patterns and has a positive effect on mental mood swings
The Performance PET helps to increase mental focus and clarity for the sport minded athlete. This unit can increase the endurance and hand eye coordination of the athlete. It also helps to not allow the athlete to dwell on a bad play by blocking the bad memory loop until the game is over.
The Stress PET helps to remove stress that we accumulate throughout our normal hectic day. Helps to remove the worry and mental turmoil from our daily routines. Can help to increase daily performance and feel calmer. Helps to repel negative effects that causes stress and has the effect to make negative people leave you alone so they don’t drain you.